Posts from the ‘Movies’ Category


已經很久沒有這樣, 被一部片子所感動. 看完 “那些年" 之後,我是這麼想的.

還記得, 在影片上影的前幾個禮拜, 友人興致勃勃的向我介紹, 說這是今年一定要看的片子. 當時我看了演員表和導演都是一些陌生的名字, 電影海報也沒有很特別, 實在有點難了解友人. 可是近幾年, 台灣片如 “不能說的秘密", “第三十六個故事" 和 “海角七號"都相當不錯, 讓我有點小興奮.

影片的前十五分鐘都是笑點. 在這些笑聲中, 我也對主角柯景騰與沈佳宜有了認識. 而當故事發展下去, 笑點減少了. 取而代之的是一陣又一陣的哀愁, 對男女主角的曖昧卻不能轉換成一段美好的愛情是又憐惜又心疼. 儘管在最後, 結婚的那一幕, 主角回顧過去與想像的平行時空時, 我的心已經是揪成一團, 還好我把我的眼淚硬吸了回去, 不然早已是個淚人了.

也就是因為很久沒有如此感動了, 我也做了一件我沒做過的是, 就是在隔天友人們的叫說下, 又在買了票看多一次.

為甚麼我對 “那些年" 有那麼深的感觸?

我想, 不只是我, 只要是有認真喜歡和追過女生的男生, 都會對 “那些年" 有多多少少的感覺. 跟何況, 結局不是我們已習慣的美滿為收場, 這是非常現實, 也是非常殘酷的.

對於此片, 值得一提的, 是作者兼導演的九把刀. 就是有他的這一次豁出去了的賭注, 造就了一部讓許多男生覺得可以代表他們心聲的影片. 這對我們來說, 是非常可貴的.

更新: 在 2011 年金馬獎, “那些年" 入圍了 ‘最佳女主角’ (陳妍希), ‘最佳新人’ (柯震東), ‘最佳導演’ (九把刀) 和 ‘最佳原創電影音樂’ (那些年 – 胡夏). 結果成績柯震東贏得最佳新人獎, 陳妍希則奪得影帝劉德華的告白. 只有可憐的九把刀空手而歸.

Love and other drugs

I watched this show before it got off the big screens last night. And though it first came off to me as a romantic comedy, by the end of the show, I can so “feel" for the show.

Because the female character, portrayed by Anne Hathaway, has Parkinson, which my dad is suffering from.

I like this show. It struck something with me.


3rd Predator movie – Predators

Its been some time since i got to know that there is going to be a third movie about the fictional extraterrestrial trophy-hunting, spine-ripping, one-ugly-mother-****** Predator. Sorry, no Arnold Schwarzenegger again.

That’s me!!!

The new movie, simply named “Predators" does not continue from where the previous two ended. See the trailer first.

Set in a time close to present, this guy named Royce was abducted along with several strangers and left on this strange place. Strange because it looked like no place on earth and with creatures unseen before.

These bunch of people were no common folks like us. They were either killers in the form of trained soldiers or mafia or whatever, picked because of their reputation of an established “hunter", to be the game for for Predator’s hunting expedition.

While i am feeling lucky to be a common folk, I am also waiting eagerly for 9th July to come. I enjoyed the first Predator show greatly, Arnold helped much to make the show very entertaining. The second one was rather disappointing though, like most sequels. This third show has a lot of expectations to meet, especially when the general opinion after the two Alien vs Predator shows was sucky.

I can’t wait.

Movie review – How to train your dragon

I chose this movie over the more hyped “Clash of the Titans" not because most of my friends who saw both said “Clash" was bad, but more because i think i will enjoy animation more. The kid in me always win against the adult side, and also i am more inclined towards having a good laugh then mesmerized by some artificial graphics.

The story is nothing special. Village chief’s weak young son turns hero to save his people and their attitude towards dragons. It seems that Hollywood cannot come out with any unique and interesting plots nowadays.

But if i will to choose based on storyline, i probably won’t get to watch more than 10 shows a year. I will even miss Avatar, if you know how typical the plot was. But “Dragon" is more than just the story, i like the way the characters are drawn, their heads almost as big as their body, the almost barbaric behavior of the Vikings, the variety of the dragons and their “specifications". Another dimension was being created, a much more fun and lovely place than the one in Avatar.

Storyline: 3/5

Nothing special, nothing bad either. Wish the script writers can come out with something more intriguing and captivating. Most of the events are predictable, except for the last bit.

Entertainment: 4/5

I would have enjoyed myself more had not been the mood spoilt by calls from office earlier. Can’t really concentrate but still, the show has quite a healthy dose of humor.

Cast: 2/5

I can only make out Gerard Butler’s voice as the village head Stoick. His accent works well in this show but the rest of the voice-overs are so-so ok lah.

Pace/Flow: 3/5

At about 90 min long, everything went briskly and didn’t drag along.

Glad i caught this show. Now will wait for the DVD release of the Clash.

Iron Man 2 – Trailer

I want that suitcase!!!